えいちゃん(さかい きよたか)
東京ドームでTaylor Swiftのライブを見ました。Taylor Swiftのコンサートというよりも、Taylor Swift Musical Showでした。何せ、Taylor Swiftというとアメリカの大統領選にも影響を与える大スターで、当代稀有のスペキタクルなアメリカのエンターテイメントの最高峰を見た気がします。なんだか、昔、見た、メトロポリタン歌劇場でオペラ「ポギーとベス」をドキュメンタリーとして撮った映画を思い出しもします。そのようなスケールで、舞台の右端と左端にバンドの演奏するオーケストラボックスらしきものもあるのです。
オーディエンスのほとんどが10代から20代の女子。客席からの涙をためての彼女たちのコーラスが止まりません。すべてが感動的です。TaylorさんはMCで「ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU」と言っておられました。ぼくは心の中で「KOTCIRAKOSO ARIGATOU」。
横浜のグラスルーツでUN SONとLikkle Mai & The Kのライブを見ました。Likkle Mai & The Kの演奏を聞きながらジャマイカのスレンテンのリズムは日本の民謡によく合うなと思う。日本のカシオトーンのリズムがジャマイカで爆発的にヒットし、世界に飛び火し、そしてLikkle Maiさんに戻ってきて民謡を携えている不思議さですな。
ガザの平和を願う歌をうたって、アンコールには、UN SONとLikkle Mai & The Kがセッションしつつ、Clashの「Revolution Rock」。なぜか、ぼくは最近、この世界にあって正気をたもつようにと、もう40年前のパンク・ロックのClashの「London Calling」とか「Sandinista」をよく聞いていたりします。Likkle Maiさんの「Revolution Rock」もとてもよかった。時代に流されずに負けるなという元気をもらいました。
I attended a rally in support of Palestine at the east exit of Shinjuku station. I felt relieved because I wondered if it was enough to just donate money or to appeal on social networking sites about the miserable situation in Palestine.
As a retired person who has entered the realm of old age, I am losing my desire to seek new social changes, but I would like to speak out as one of the 12 billion people against such unreasonable injustice. I wish Ryuichi Sakamoto and Yoshiko Yamaguchi were still alive. I also wonder what Yukio Mishima, Kenji Nakagami, and Kenzaburo Oe would have thought, said, and written had they been alive.
Why did the chorus of "Free Gaza" seem to overlap with the voice of "Free Japan" that seemed to be seething in my heart? Palestinians have been subjected to violence for more than seventy-five years, deprived of their land, homes, homeland, and even their lives. I will never forget the words of a Palestinian woman at the rally. They echoed on the cold night, saying that Gaza is called a prison without a ceiling, but it is not like that, it is a prison camp where innocent people are held captive. Palestinian men say that Israel tried to erase all of Palestinian culture and history, but it cannot take the souls of Palestinians. And today, innocent children are still being killed there. Free Palestine!
I was so frustrated that I wrote not a poem, but a lyric, "Disillusionment". I don't know how many people will agree with me, but I'm thinking of making a CD, selling it by hand, and donating all the proceeds to Doctors Without Borders. I don't think it would be the kind of music you would listen to at home, lyrics like this.
This world is nothing but disappointment
Dance the dance of disillusionment
Disillusioned with my inability to do anything
Disillusioned with a world that has not changed
This world is nothing but disappointment
Dancing the waltz of disillusionment
Disillusioned with my pretense of turning a blind eye
Disillusioned with a world that cannot be changed
Has it begun again? Has it begun again?
Don't destroy the house, don't destroy the hospital
I hear the children crying
The women are soaring to the heavens
Has it begun again? Has it started again?
Piles of rubble and dead children, damn it... ♪♪
Now that I've written it, I must do it. Before I wrote these lyrics, I read this haiku.
Winter winds, rock 'n' roll are dying
But it seems that "rock 'n' roll" and "punk" barely survived in my mind. And I feel bad about what they are doing. Stop the bombing!
This world is nothing but disappointment
Dance the dance of disillusionment
Disillusioned with my inability to do anything
Disillusioned with a world that has not changed
This world is nothing but disappointment
Dancing the waltz of disillusionment
Disillusioned with my pretense of turning a blind eye
Disillusioned with a world that cannot be changed
Has it begun again? Has it begun again?
Don't destroy the house, don't destroy the hospital
I hear the children crying
The women are soaring to the heavens
Has it begun again? Has it started again?
Piles of rubble and dead children, damn it... ♪♪
Now that I've written it, I must do it. Before I wrote these lyrics, I read this haiku.
Winter winds, rock 'n' roll are dying
But it seems that "rock 'n' roll" and "punk" barely survived in my mind. And I feel bad about what they are doing. Stop the bombing!
Sam CookeやOtis Reddingなど古いR&Bが好きです。
Sam CookeやOtis Reddingなど古いR&Bが好きです。